WOW!!!! Can you believe this ?????
the last case file of the year !!!
#52 is under investigation on CSI
Click HERE to check out the clues &
how the team of investigators & detectives solved the case
grab your forensic gear & sleuth away
upload to share
' Family & friends getting together at Christmas time is my most
favourite gift,
this year we had an added bonus ...
my cousin visiting along with her son
& daughter-in-law & grandchildren.
I haven't had a Christmas
with her since our childhood days..
great food, cold drinks, love &
what a fantastic way to start our festive celebrations.
thanks for popping by
your visits & kind words are most appreciated
Happy Scrapping
Hi Annette! It sounds like a wonderful Christmas spent with those you love to see! beautiful layout, and by crikey where has the year gone??? Happy New Year to you!!