October is Breast Cancer month &
true to form our wonderful leader Eve
has chosen pink as our colours for that reason..
Thank You Eve
Most of you know I am part of a Breast Cancer charity
& this time last year I dyed my hair pink to raise funds ($300.00)
Be Uplifted is a small team of volunteers who raise money to assist
the women or men who are on the journey
with some of their out of pocket expenses
our Website is
Face Book page
Pop in like us & say hello
We also have an exciting announcement on BW2
the new design team
& what a fantastic team it is
6 amazingly talented ladies,Lynne, Julie, Janet, Karrie, Tania & Anne
and 1 super talented man Romain,
the returning team is:
Di, Cindy, Karen, Jenni, Anne, Ada, Annette( me)
& our wonderful leader Eve
the mood board
my layout
together for my niece Lauren's HAPPY birthday
Come on over & say meet the new team , check out the challenge,create & upload to share
we would love to see what you can do
Wear pink occasionally to honour all the breast cancer journeyers
This layout is lovely, and pink is such a beautiful color.. I hope you are well Annette!!