November's Challenge on
was a charming photo of the Lady Mary, Lady Edith & Lady Sybil Crawley
from Downton Abbey
I have thoroughly enjoyed the series & am looking forward to the next season
This photo shows of a truly feminine era,
a time when ladies dressed in
softly flowing day frocks with touches of lace, glorious evening gowns, strands of pearls,
long & short gloves & beautiful hats
How delightful!!!
I tried to convey that softness in my layout
string of pearls twisted through ribbon on lace
rose patterned label, box for gloves & sweet butterfly
sweetheart locket, soft muslin, labels & roses
thank you Lucy Mucaro for this fantastic challenge
Thanks for calling by
Happy Scrapping
hugz Annette
I enjoyed the series too, but I wonder why they killed off Matthew.. that was a shocker!! Love your layout, it is so feminine, love all the doileys lace and pearls, love the colors too..